St. Edward High School settles lawsuit with student who accused cross-country teammates of attacking him in sexual manner—
CLEVELAND, Ohio — St. Edward High School settled a lawsuit out of court with a former student who accused his cross-country teammates of sexually assaulting him.
The attorney for the student, Peter Pattakos, filed a notice with U.S. District Judge Dan Polster that a settlement was reached.
Terms of the settlement were not included in court records, and Pattakos said the terms are confidential. Messages were left for school officials. One of the school’s attorneys, Richard Blake, also declined comment.
The lawsuit, filed in May 2021, said teammates attacked the teen five times and that school officials did little to investigate the incidents. … All five incidents happened in 2019, when the student, whose name is not included in the lawsuit, was a freshman. … One of the teammates was charged in Cuyahoga County Juvenile Court.
School officials conducted an investigation that consisted of asking students leading questions, including if the student who was attacked seemed upset, according to the lawsuit.